Baumit ColorDesigner

Select the surface you want to color. Then click Coloring Surface and the color fan will appear at the bottom right.

The next step is to color the selected surface. When you click The Color Surface function, a three-part color fan appears at the bottom right of the image. At level 1, you can see the available base colors. After selecting a base color, you can refine this hue on levels 2 and 3 of the color fan until you find your favorite color. The selected surface will then appear in the desired color.

You can do the same with all other surfaces you create until you find the perfect color matchings.

Don't like a selected color? No problem! Click in the color fan in levels 1, 2 or 3 on another color and the color selection will start over. For more information, see The Color Fan.

Your screen must be at least 1024 pixels wide.

Your screen must be at least 620 pixels high and 1024 pixels wide.